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Hi! I'm Joy.


From the earliest time I can remember,

I have been curious about the natural world we live in

and what exactly makes us the unique individuals we are.


When I was a child, I was drawn to books depicting the various systems of the human body (circulatory, nervous, musculature, etc), as well as books on astrology, palm reading, and handwriting analysis.  As a young adult, my curiosity led me to a bachelor's and master's degree in psychology, while also reading about shamanism, meditation, yogic principles, and metaphysical topics.   I then attended a holistic healing program with classes in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Energy Healing Techniques, Flower Essences, Essential Oils, Medical Intuition, Massage and Bodywork. Since then, I have expanded my training to include shamanic journey techniques, intuitive angel readings, SoulCollage, Gene Keys, BQH (Beyond Quantum Healing), and Life Coaching.


In my work as a Healing Arts Practitioner, I tend to think holistically about us as human beings.  We have a physical, mental, emotional, and a spiritual component to our makeup. Our science (in western cultures) has been focused on dissecting these aspects for greater understanding, while also tending to talk and think about them as four separate things (if the spiritual component is even acknowledged at all). Yet many other systems view us more holistically, seeing the connections between our thinking patterns and our emotions, and how emotions can get stuck within the physical body, for example. Or that patterns from another life (of our souls, or in our genetic lineage) are repeating themselves in our current life in order to be healed and resolved.


My interest lies in the wholeness of ourselves, and especially the spiritual aspect at this time, because I feel that is the piece that has been most missing from the conversation and understanding of who we are as human beings. We do not even have a unified label for this dimension at this time.  Some call it our soul, some call it our spirit, some refer to it as our higher self, and some talk about God, the Divine, Source consciousness, guardian angels and spirit guides. Whatever you call it, I believe we all have it.  And I believe in its power to heal us and guide us.


I believe it has all the answers to who you are and who you are becoming, and what might need to be known or changed within in order to live the life you have dreamed for yourself.

The services I offer are here to support this process.



I offer free 15 minute exploratory calls

to find out more about these services

so that you can determine whether one feels helpful to you at this time.


I can be reached by phone or text at 515-724-3797

or by email at with any questions.




I currently have a full time job working as a massage therapist with hospice patients.

Online sessions can be scheduled Saturdays and Sundays between the hours of 9am-5pm Central time zone in the U.S.

I can also make arrangements to meet during the weekday, given enough notice (2-4 weeks in advance).​​​


My goal is to build this business on the side

in order to eventually be able to offer them on a more full time basis.​





























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