Bring a specific issue or question in your life
and I will guide us on a meditative journey
to access the wisdom and healing of your own soul.
First we will talk a bit about what you would like assistance with.
Then I will guide you into a very easy meditation
that will allow you to enter into the realm of your mind
that knows the answers you are seeking,
that knows how to change and transform
any energetic patterns that are ready to be released at this time,
and that is connected to the power and wisdom of your soul.
Live by phone, Skype or Zoom
A 60 minute session is a great place to start
for greater awareness and clarity
No product
A 90 minute session is helpful
for deeper healing work
No product
This journey may lead to greater awareness about experiences in your past
(in this lifetime or others)
that are affecting your life now,
it may include healing past traumas
or retrieving aspects of yourself that got lost along the way,
it may involve releasing and clearing feelings and energies
that have been held onto for years
and are now ready to go,
it may lead to a greater sense of connection with your
inner knowing and spiritual allies that
can guide you forward
and reveal future experiences
your soul would like to create through you.
Have you heard the old adage
"Give someone a fish and you've fed them for a day,
teach them to fish and you've fed them for a lifetime?"
This is teaching you how to fish
so that you feel able to access this realm
in the future any time you need to.
I am your companion and guide through this experience.
We will go together into the soul realm together,
but your soul will lead the way.
I have complete confidence in your ability to do this,
but if you "get stuck", I will be there to help nudge us along.
I had someone provide this same experience for me years ago
the first time I remembered a past life
and it was surprising to me how easy it was to do.
From then on, I found I could trust my own intuition more and more.
I'd like to do the same for you.